A blog dedicated to gaming, especially sci-fi gaming.
...and IronClad/Stardock should do it!
Published on December 31, 2008 By RooksBailey In PC Gaming

I was on another site and we were discussing the types of games PC gamers want but can't have because no one is making them anymore.  After scratching my head, I realized that one genre we haven't seen in a long time is the starship simulator.  By that, I mean a game that puts you in command of a full-fledged, space-going warship.  The last good one I played was back on the 16-bits and was called Starfleet Command I.  It was a game that took place in a Star Trek-like universe where the player was put in charge of a warship.  You could earn ranks and medals by completing successful patrols and such.  Even though it was a simplistic game by todays standards, it still had all the essential feature: navigation, tractor beams, marine boarding parties, damage control, phasers and photons torps, mines, etc.  Great stuff!

In the world of 32-bit gaming, we haven't really seen a good starship simulator.  There have been a steady trickle of Wingman-type games (with Jumpgate Evolution being the most recent), but those are more about single seat craft and dogfighting.  There was Battlecruiser 3000 AD, but that was a disaster.  Star Trek Bridge Commander was decent, but it is quite long in the tooth now (but it did have the right idea).  EVE does offer command of large ships, but while configurations can be quite complex, you really are still only operating a ship of one. 

I would love to see some company take a crack at this forgotten genre once again.  After playing Ubisoft's excellent Silent Hunter series, I think a similar, space-based game could be awesome.  With today's computational abilities, a gamer could literally walk the corridors of his ship, interact with his crew/systems and engage in detailed patrols (again, basically Silent Hunter).  

Perhaps Stardock/Ironclad would be the ones to do this?  Both companies seem to love their space-based games.  What is more, now that we've seen the excellence that is Sins, a game that will only get better and more epic as it matures with these expansions, the Sins universe would seem to be a natural setting for such a game.  I think it would be a lot of fun to see the Sins universe from the bridge of a single vessel, such as a Kol battlecruiser. 

Just a thought.   I just wish somebody would pick up the spaceship sim genre once again, though. 


Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 31, 2008

Star Trek Klingon Academy?

on Dec 31, 2008

I don't even remember that game.   I looked it up and saw that it came out around eight years ago - not exactly the "new" game I was looking for.     It sounded good, though.


on Dec 31, 2008

All of the X games (Xbtf/x2/x3/x3tc)

on Dec 31, 2008

Wow, never heard of the X series before.  I just checked out the most recent - it does sound interesting, but it also sounds more like an EVE one man ship setup than commanding an entire warship with a full crew.  Am I wrong? 


***Edit:  I looked more into X3: Terran Conflict and really liked what I saw.  It reminds me very much of a single player EVE.  I went to the website to buy it and, alas, it is listed as "sold out," not to mention everything is sold in Euros.  The game is only a few months old and its own website is sold out?  Am I missing something? I guess this is why I never heard of the series before.  The company looks like it has some great ideas, but it needs to increase its visibility and availability. 

Oh well.  Thanks for the rec.  I am going to check out Steam and see if they have it as a DD.

Edit 2: They do.  Might pick this one up. But still not the type of battlecruiser sim I wrote about above. 

on Dec 31, 2008

What I would like to see in a game:  Take Fallout 3's fpsrpg engine, a space combat stratagy engine (Like Homeworld 2 or Space Wolves 2), and wrap it all up in a Privateer bow to the tune of open ended campaign with story missioons in space and on the ground.  Imagine, if you will, a game where you can do fps, space combat rts, or (If you choose to be a fighter pilot instead of a capital ship captain) a space combat sim.

Hehehe I ask a lot but then I come from the paper and pencil d&d generation of rpg gamers =-P

on Dec 31, 2008

There are the freeware BattleCruiser games, but i didn't like them personally.

A note on X3: you start with simple fighter, but you can buy and pilot capital ships eventually. I played dozens of hours of X3: reunion, but only got to a corvette.  The thing is, you must trade and create factories to ever have enough to buy those ships. X3 veterans have said that the focus is on economy rather than fighting, but i hear the bigger battles on kha'ak and xenon sectors are quite intensive. I never got to them, though

on Dec 31, 2008

X3:R is indeed slow paced. It's possible to skip the "trading" part of the game and focus on fighting, but it's still slow.
X3:TC is said to be faster, making capital ships accessible earlier in the game (and said to have more capital ship to capital ship battles )

on Dec 31, 2008

X3:R is indeed slow paced. It's possible to skip the "trading" part of the game and focus on fighting, but it's still slow.


well, depends - if you go for xenon raids it is quite fast paced and as long as you stay in smaller ships (m3 - m3+ or the m7 yacht) it's actually a nice combat simulator.

but the heart of the game is definatly the economy and that is indeed a bit slower

on Dec 31, 2008

I don't even remember that game.   I looked it up and saw that it came out around eight years ago - not exactly the "new" game I was looking for.


More new... last stable version is from April 2008... and it is free !!!


Try Vega Strike : http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/



And is you wish, you have some total conversion mod for it... nothing stop you to import a model a use it in the game... limit for capitalship is around the 50k poly who is more that the double that sins allow... they are working to a migration on the Ogre engine who is full of promise...


It was my only space game for Linux until Sins was coming... it is full of potential but they use 3Dmodels who sµck ( Vegas, not Sins )... To few good modder there and too much good coder/programmer...


Since it is free, give it a try.... Win/Mac/Linux version


In the same time, take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_space_flight_simulator_games ... a huge list of all who have existed, all who exist and all who will exist...

on Dec 31, 2008

I always looked for a space sim game that would let me play a ship like the big ones found in battlefleet gothic. I think I will keep looking until the day I die. Homeworld with the mobile starting ship felt like half-way there.

on Dec 31, 2008

It depends, if you're looking for a more open gamestyle like the X-series

Freelancer isn't bad, if a bit old.

Darkstar One, also decent, from back in 06,

For more action-pased, scripted, less open games, I have never found anything that measures up the the style and of the old Star Wars X-Wing/Tie Fighter/X-Wing Alliance run god, if they'd actually bother to remake those. The graphics aren't great, but the gameplay still can hold my attention for hours on end.

on Dec 31, 2008

It amazes me that publishers of pc games dont grab some of the best known franchises and make a ton of money. Who would not buy a new wing commander, tie fighter, etc......

on Dec 31, 2008

X3 terran conflict allow you to have mariens to be trained and used to board anc capture ships.  The thing is that even though if there is a game that does a perfect simulation of a starship, you don't feel like much in command of a crew because you will still be responsbile for piloting the ship within the game and you don't really have to worry about the engines, med bay, etc.  Because your AI crew mate usually takes care of it.   I think the closest idea you get is the Battlecruiser/Universal combat series.  But then again, i think it might be better if you have some sort of like a starship sims aka simcity type kind of game, where you have to run a starship and having to keep your crew happy.  If that is a focus, it might be easier to pull it off.  Like i said, as a player, you won't be able to concentrate on two different things at the same time if you have a game that does both SimCity like style game play and X3 Terran conflict.  

on Dec 31, 2008

Ive played X3 and i didnt like it at all. I had bad graphics, difficult controls, and a very complicated HUD.

If you really dig the space fighter genre, try out Freelancer. It was made in 2003 and i had a really fun time playin it. The space scenery is really cool and the controls are simple to grasp but with a lot of small things to make it great (countermeasures, missles, lasers, turrets, thrusters, and tons of wicked accents ). It even has a multiplayer just like battlenet for diablo 2 so its even more fun.


I totally agree and i miss the genre... but at least we got sins, eh?

on Dec 31, 2008

Ive played X3 and i didnt like it at all. I had bad graphics, difficult controls, and a very complicated HUD.

If you really dig the space fighter genre, try out Freelancer. It was made in 2003 and i had a really fun time playin it.

X3's graphics are inferior to Freelancer!?!?  I suspect you tried it prior to 2.0 being released 'cs the game looks awesome.

Not sure if you can use a HOTAS with Freelancer although I found it almost impossible to pilot a ship in X3 without mine.  The biggest turn off I had from x3 was that it's so damned huge it feels as if it should be a multiplayer game. 


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